Questions & Answers
What is the difference between PRABOA and SafeParks?
The Parkhurst Residents and Business Owners Association (PRABOA) is our local resident’s association of Parkhurst.
PRABOA established the SafeParks subcommittee which plays an oversight role for all security and safety matters in Parkhurst. Members of this committee also represent our suburb on the Community Policing Forum (CPF) – our direct liaison with SAPS . The SafeParks committee consists of an appointed administrator and resident volunteers in Parkhurst. The aim is to manage the public space security scheme and to investigate solutions to minimize crime in Parkhurst as well as to manage the service delivery of the appointed preferred security provider.
SafeParks acts as an independent body, whose members number hundreds of Parkhurst residents and commercial businesses. The main purpose of the committee is to ensure accountability and manage service delivery by our appointed preferred security provider in Parkhurst. This means that residents in Parkhurst hold the power and we spend our private security money most effectively, to prevent crime rather than just reacting to it. If residents are not happy with service delivery or if the service provider no longer meets the required needs for the safety of our community, SafeParks has the power to appoint a new security provider for the benefit of all.
The SafeParks appointed security provider is being managed under a strict service level agreement for its Public Space Security activities. That appointed security provider is 24/7 Security and NO OTHER PROVIDER can claim such.
How was 24/7 selected as the preferred supplier?
24/7 was selected by SafeParks after considering proposals from four different security companies. Care was taken to ensure that the community had continuity in the safety offering that CORTAC offered, and it was an opportunity to investigate whether other security providers could provide an equivalent or better service for PSS and AR, than we had previously received. Other criteria that were looked at include immediate value for money and subsequent cost-effective additional resources. For the benefit of our members manageable month-to-month contracts for residents was also a key criteria.
If I am a current SafeParks Public Space Security subscriber and SafeParks collects my debit order but have a separate Armed Response provider and want this situation to remain, what do I do?
Absolutely nothing – SafeParks will continue to collect the PSS debit order (R417 per month) under the existing arrangement.
If you are a SafeParks Public Space Security subscriber BUT Cortac were collecting this amount previously, you will need to give notice to CAP and sign-up with SafeParks for the PSS portion or both.
Why do we believe that 24/7 provide a superior service compared to other security companies?
24/7 provides a dynamic solution of armed response and protecting the public space, their aim is to look out for suspicious activity, pro actively challenge and to assist with arrests. This is very similar to a number of security companies operating in our surrounding area.
In our deliberations we engaged various resident associations where different security providers operate, and were impressed at the success of 24/7 in these areas and particularly the clear results of working closely and successfully with resident associations, some for over 13 years. 24/7 Security’s willingness to work alongside residents associations and be managed by them is a very noticeable quality and one we value highly.
So SafeParks will work very closely with 24/7. In addition SafeParks has negotiated to be the collecting agent for all public space security and armed response subscriptions and contributions. This means that SafeParks manages the scheme fully and will therefore have more negotiating power with any chosen security provider on security resources allocated, operating procedures and reporting as well as service levels provided to you, the SafeParks supporter and resident.
24/7 Security will patrol our streets 24 hours per day. We will have two dedicated and branded Tactical vehicles with two highly trained patrol officers in each vehicle patrolling Parkhurst. This will be like for like replacement with what we had with Cortac previously. In addition 24/7 Security will also provide an additional tactical vehicle during peak periods. This is already an improvement on the resources we had before BUT will be only the initial phase – based on what we can afford as we secure more members willing to sign-up for PSS and Armed Response. As we welcome more members across we will continue to introduce further resources at prices significantly more competitive than we were previously able to.
As a SafeParks member and 24/7 Armed Response client, 24/7 will respond to your home alarm if your alarm goes off. As per our agreement with them, 24/7 have an average response time to alarms of 3-4 minutes since patrol vehicles are always in Parkhurst and will be held to this standard by SafeParks.
Compare this with another security provider who just provides armed response to your home without actively managed patrolling and does not have access to the Vumacam feeds in Parkhurst that SafeParks pays for. The response will likely be slower as the response vehicle may not even be in the suburb if they are servicing a nearby suburb or emergency.
Additionally 24/7 Security have a close working relationship with Parkview SAPS which provides a value added service to the resident, as they assist Parkview SAPS with arrests, investigations and undercover operations. 24/7 meets weekly with Parkview SAPS to engage over crime trends in Parkhurst and to provide support to SAPS to ensure that criminals are taken off our streets. 24/7 will provide Parkhurst with a dedicated operations manager that will report to residents via SafeParks- this was a shared resource under Cortac and we battled, often, to get the attention we required.
SafeParks will meet and engage weekly with 24/7 Security on crime intelligence and keep 24/7 accountable by monitoring their service delivery and enforcing penalties, agreed to in our contract with them, should the need arise. 24/7 Security are appointed as the preferred security provider in two neighbouring suburbs by their Resident Association’s, and this means we do have further strength in numbers as well as additional resources available in more serious situations.
Clearly it is on our collective interests to have a centrally managed security provider that is able to be held accountable. It provides us the financial heft we need to negotiate better resources, at better prices but also the power to change providers for the collective good- rather than trying to fight poor service or cost increases as an individual.

Who is 24/7?
24/7 is an armed response company specialising in proactive patrolling and guarding. They have been contracted by SafeParks to perform and security the Public Space and provide Armed Response services to residents. They currently work with the immediately adjacent Parktown North Resident’s Association and have been the Parkview Residents Association appointed provider for over 13 years. They have an excellent reputation and this was confirmed on numerous occasions in our discussions with members and residents of those neighbouring suburbs as well as members of the CPF.
How much does it cost and can I sign up?
For new subscribers, the current total contribution for Public Space Security and Armed Response COMBINED is R749 per month (Vs R799 previously) This rate is fixed until March 2023, and any increases will be negotiated by SafeParks.
It is possible to subscribe for the Public Space Security service on a stand-alone basis and to purchase your home armed response from another security provider (although we advise against this as it works out more expensive for the resident). This will cost R417 per month.
Pensioners discounts will continue to apply on both options.
It is not possible to only purchase the Armed Response service, on its own, from 24/7 Security as this is by mutual agreement and intended to encourage members to support the whole effort and collective security of residents.
I am convinced,
how can I sign up?
Contact to receive the SafePark forms to be completed and we will arrange with 24/7 to install a radio transmitter to your property.