Welcome to SafeParks
A PRABOA Initiative

Very Important SafeParks Communication
Mike Rosholt- Chairperson of SafeParks addresses the community on the current issues raised between choosing SafeParks vs CAP or any other security provider.
Let’s stand together to beat crime in Parkhurst
and lead safer and happier lives
Crime is a fact of life in Johannesburg. According to StatsSA, housebreaking or burglary has consistently been the most common crime experienced by South African house- holds. This threat, as well as opportunistic crime, has been exacerbated by the knock-on effects of the pandemic.
Parkhurst is an attractive target for criminals – and the scourge goes beyond house- breaking. Our vibrant restaurant and business community on 4th Avenue is also a particular target with residents and visitors both at risk.
We must stand united as a community– and defeat crime together. It’s the only way we will win. Apathy will be the difference between a thriving suburb and one in terminal decline.

PRABOA & SafeParks
Helping lead the fight
The Parkhurst Resident’s and Business Owners Association (PRABOA) is our local residents’ association of Parkhurst.
PRABOA established the SafeParks subcommittee, consisting of resident volunteers. The aim is to pool residents’ contributions in designing and managing the providers of an appropriate mix of crime-prevention initiatives in Parkhurst.
These include proactive vehicle patrolling, foot patrols and the use of technology such as cameras.
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on Facebook for up to date notices and announcements
Security Partners
Parkview CPF
The duties of the CPF include:
Monitoring police performance, liaising with residents and businesses in the sector, and arranging regular meetings to receive and provide feedback disseminating crime trends and providing advice on security.
Parkview CPF Chairman:
Geraldine Connell
(082 413 1431)
Parkview Victim Support Unit:
A cellphone is in the possession of one of the several volunteers on duty:
(073 280 4453)
Check out their website on www.parkviewcpf.co.za/
Parkview SAPS
Flying Squad: 10111
Relief commander: 071 675 6065
Sector Managers:
- Sgt Adams – 073 538 9904
- Const Mlondobozi – 074 648 6797
The Parkview Police station serves a large geographical area that includes:
Craighall Park
Dunkeld West
(to the west of Jan Smuts Ave) -
Parktown North
Parktown West
Roosevelt Park Ext.
SAPS PARKVIEW divides its policing precinct into Sectors.
What is Sector Policing?
Sector Policing means that a police precinct is divided into smaller, manageable areas (sectors) under the command of an appointed police officer known as the Sector Manager who, in turn, reports to the Sector Commander. Each community and its Sector Manager are active partners in ensuring local safety and security. (With thanks to the Parkview CPF)
Parkhurst falls into SECTOR ONE, along with Craighall Park, Dunkeld West and Parktown North.